Women of Shiloh Spring 2019 Bible Study

Begins Tuesday, April 2nd 6:30 p.m.

1514 Amelia Dr. Cedar Park, TX 78613


About Fashioned to Reign

In the Garden, woman was taken out of man to stand by his side and co-reign with him. But Satan's schemes have robbed women of their rightful identity, disempowering and defacing them. The world aches for God's original partnership to be brought into balance once more--and it can be.
Join Kris Vallotton for an extraordinary journey of eye-opening insight, including 

• God's true plan and purpose for women
• Jesus' radical teachings and care for women 
• men's important role in restoring women
• the true meaning of difficult Bible passages about women
• examples of women in leadership as God intended

God fashioned women to reign alongside men. Jesus set women free to be beautiful and powerful. It's time for us, as daughters and sons of the King, to rule together in glory again. Will you join the revolution?